Wednesday, July 9, 2014

New Blog...New Adventures!

A new layout! Charming, eh?

I'm trying to get myself re-excited about blogging, but not for the sake of having an audience.  For some reason, the idea of capturing my heart...the things that make me smile...its self-reflective nature seems to get me thinking in ways that I typically brush off as "too much."

So, I'm once again wrapping my mind around this idea of perusing my heart and hoping for a chance to see more and learn more about myself.  What comes to mind first?  I'm a perfectionist....perhaps more so than I should be.  And, by default it seems, this means I'm also much too hard on myself.

So I'm trying some new things, all with the intent of not seeking perfection!

1.  I ordered an Erin Condren Life Planner!  If you know me at all, you know that I live for organization!  The particular layout of this planner, as well as the endless possibilities I've already found on Pinterest to personalize it, are so me!  Although organization is not something new for me, the planner will be.....and it's pretty safe to safe that the anticipation that's building up as I await its arrival is occupying at least 40% of every day!

2.  I opened a Teachers Pay Teachers account:  The Bits in Between.  I've already created a couple documents, and I'm excited to get more ideas out on "paper."  I even learned the basics of my boyfriend's drawing software so I can create templates, graphics, and designs on my own!  Next an Etsy account!

3.  So my boyfriend has a thing for video games, and I have a thing for spending time with him, so I got my own Steam account and have started trying my hand at the art of gaming!  :)  Ok, I definietly can't be a perfectionist on this one!!  And I'm really learning how to go easy on myself, because this does not come naturally to me.  But like I's a fun way to spend time with him.

4.  I've always wanted to draw & paint, but naturally, I'm my worst critic.  So, I was given some art book recommendations that provide strategies and excercises that amount to small steps....which is what I need!  They also have entire sections in the book about giving yourself a break and not being so hard on yourself!!  Right up my alley! :)

So that's what's been on my mind lately.

I'll let you know how my new adventures go!

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