Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Year in Review

Well seems that life got ahold of me and took me on a year-long hiatus!

And what a year it was...

...lovely trips to the beach...learning to renovation games...Tough Mudder (twice!)...meeting/holding my nephew for the first time...lots of "I love you" of the best renaissance festivals I can remember...the beauty of Canaan interesting interpretation of Hamlet...a renewed love of bike-rides...the most magical Christmas store ever!...North Carolina family traditions...craft festivals...Quiet Night dinners...a whimsical Christmas tree farm...spiders in the Christmas tree!!...Beatles Rock Band...the best Valentine a girl could ask for...The Quest of Palindra...a new love for sushi...24 hour prayer/Bible reading...a hysterical mystery dinner night...snow...Snow...and unfortunate case of Mono...DC cooking class...beautifully relaxing visits to North Carolina...the best words I've ever had said to me...and SO MUCH MORE!

And now??  We'll see.  ;)